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Thank you for your interest in my services. Please read the following page. Here are some guidelines for any testimonial or claims that are made on my website.


Individual results can vary from person to person


The results featured in testimonials and elsewhere on this site, are the individual experiences and personal opinions of those who I have worked with.  We are all different with different problems and different goals, and you may not achieve the same results as those featured in testimonials. In order to achieve the best result, you will need to follow instructions given, and be willing to take part in any additional work that is agreed on.  

Not everyone is suited for this work


If you have ever wondered how well you would be able to be hypnotised, you should know that most normal people can be hypnotized. However, there are certain qualifications that I will screen you for when we talk to you on the phone, that will determine whether I can accept you as a client. The best way to find out is to give us a call or use  my Contact Form. 

Hypnosis, EFT or any other therapy cannot “make” you achieve a change if you don’t really want to


I work with my clients to help them access deeper information that is not normally available to them to help them make changes that can lead to feelings of happiness and success. This is not a magic wand and best results happen when the client actively takes responsibility for the work we do together. My intention is always to serve my clients in the best way possible to create the best possible outcome.

I do not guarantee results or that you will make a change


As hypnosis involves a human factor, it would be unethical and unprofessional to guarantee any sort of on-going or long-term success. Each person experiences hypnosis and EFT in their own unique way which makes each case and session unique. My service is no different than doctors, lawyers, coaches and other professionals that can’t guarantee results. The clients I have worked with so far have reported very powerful changes and my intention is to strive for that with each and every client.

I practice in accordance with the ‘General Hypnotherapy’ Code of Ethics


I follow the guidelines and adhere to good practice. I regularly update my training, I’m fully insured and registered with GHR and offer a completely confidential service. It would be nice if your happy to share your success story to help other people  and I will always get your agreement.


Booking Conditions 


It is my aim to ensure that I offer all my clients the best possible service. Please help me run a smooth and professional service by observing the following booking conditions.


Cancellations: Please note that at least 72 hours notice is required to make a cancellation without charge. If less than 72 hours notice half fee applies, then full fee if less than 24 hours notice.


Payment: All payments must be made and received in advance via cash, or bank transfer. 


Investment for therapy and estimated number of sessions will be discussed before booking, and it is usual to pay for the full therapy programme upfront as it helps secure your commitment to the treatment. However, we do understand that in some cases this may not be financially viable and a more suitable payment plan for you can be arranged.


Prices are usually quoted per treatment and not per session. For example if your therapy covers up to six sessions, but the work is completed in four, the investment is the same. No refunds will be issued if you decide to terminate once therapy has already commenced. We do understand that life can get in the way and hold your therapy open for a maximum of 12 months from commencement, however we do not encourage this practice as it reduces the efficiency of the therapy.


We are unable to offer payment after therapy.


Session times: Sessions are 50-60 mins long and as per appointment times. If you are more than 5 minutes late, it is unlikely that I will be able to extend the session accordingly. Full charges apply. Longer sessions, if required, are charged pro-rata.  


Most Sessions are currently available using Zoom. Please ensure you have a good internet connection, headphones (with privacy) and a comfortable chair to sit on.  On-line sessions have been found to be producing equally good (if not better!) results for clients, it gives clients more flexibility and choice of time and no travel.  I will be seeing clients in Eastbourne and Mayfair, London in the future with the option of zoom sessions continuing also.

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No hypnotherapy or emotional freedom techniques should ever be regarded as a substitute for professional medical care.

They should always be seen as complementary.  I do not have medical training and I do not diagnosis conditions.

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EFT Master Trainer Logo
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy
General Hypnotherapy Registered Practitioner

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